After many years in the industry as an aerospace Quality Manager, long talks with my wife Lisa, and a whole lot of prayer, I decided to venture out on my own as a consultant. So in February 2019 Lisa and I launched Cornerstone Systems from the spare bedroom in our home in Greenwood, Indiana.
She stayed with her employer while I worked on this new company. Armed with my experience and a used laptop computer, we got the company started. As soon as the word got out, phone calls and emails started to come in with former colleagues reaching out for support. After only 9 months, we were already so busy that we made the decision that Lisa would also leave her company to work Cornerstone with me. It's been one blessing after another since then. Don't get me's not easy. I've never worked so many hours, but there's an old saying that goes, "If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life." It's spot-on.
We get to support various clients in all sorts of ways. It's always something, someone, and somewhere new and it's ironic because now that I'm the supposed "expert" I'm learning more now than I ever have.
It would be my honor to be able to bring the lessons I have learned to your organization.
Reach out to us to be part of this amazing story...and give us the chance to be a small part of yours.
~Jeff Rybolt
Contact Us
Cornerstone Systems, LLC, P.O. Box 50, Gaston, IN 47342 or (317) 418-8407 or (317) 523-8921
Copyright © 2025 Cornerstone Systems, LLC - A Veteran Owned Small Business - All Rights Reserved.